Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Growth & Evolution initial thoughts.


This begins the preparation for my final major project, the last project I will complete before the end of my time at college, and the theme I have been given is Growth & Evolution. My aims are to independently investigate the unusual and possibly un-thought of side of this topic, choosing challenging and interesting  paths of investigation in such a broad and diverse subject. I plan on experimenting with a wide range of mediums, materials and methods of creating inspiring and thought-provoking art. I also plan on creating in-depth analysis of artists' work and a detailed look into how artists have depicted growth and evolution throughout modern history.

Evolution has a varied selection of definitions, some being:

  • A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex (or better) form.
  • A pattern formed by a series of movements.
  • A process of gradual, progressive change and development, eg within a social or economic structure.
  • A process of development and change from one state to another, as of the universe in it's development through time.
  • An increase, as in size, number, value, or strength; extension or expansion.
  • Development from a simple to a complex stage.
From a list I found of specific types of growth I have narrowed it down to the following feel that I am interested by. One of these will be the starting point of my further research:
  • Chemotropism: Growth or motion in response to chemical stimulus.
  • Endogeny: Development or growth from within.
  • Epibony: The growth of part of an organism in such a way that it overlays or surrounds another.
  • Stereotropism: Growth or movement determined by contact with a solid.
  • Teratology: The study of malformations or abnormal growth in animals or vegetables.

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